Mind Health

#022: How to (finally!) Break Bad Habits

August 25, 2021

Wish you could break bad habits? It can seem so hard. But it doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Maybe you just haven’t had the right system for change!   How to (finally!) Break Bad Habits the Right Way Are you the type of person that can’t keep a bag of cookies or chips in the […]

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I'm Katrina!

I’m on a mission to help Christians get healthy, ditch disease, lose weight and find food freedom so you can live that abundant life you’ve been promised.


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Wish you could break bad habits? It can seem so hard. But it doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Maybe you just haven’t had the right system for change!


How to (finally!) Break Bad Habits the Right Way

Are you the type of person that can’t keep a bag of cookies or chips in the house, for fear that you’ll eat the entire bag in one sitting? What if I told you that you have the power to break that bad habit… Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life as I explain how to break bad habits, especially unhealthy eating habits, that are preventing you from living your healthiest, most vibrant life. You’ll learn what a habit is, how habits are created, why bad habits are so hard to break, and how to identify your triggers.

The actions that we take each day are simply a response to the habits in your life, both the good habits and the bad habits


What Bad Habits Would You Love to Break?

Do you…

  • eat while you work or while watching TV?
  • love dessert?
  • look to food as a source of comfort or to cure boredom?

Did you know that 40-45% of what you do every day is a habit, not a decision? That means if you work to get rid of the habits that no longer serve you and form new habits that do serve you, you’ll be able to reach more of your goals and experience more joy and contentment in life.

And remember, give yourself some grace during this journey (because that’s what it is, a journey!).

Listen to the podcast here…


In this episode about How to Break Bad Habits, you’ll learn…

[00:44] One of the biggest lies we tell ourselves is…

[03:16] The difference between a habit and a conscious decision.

[03:48] What is a habit?

[05:25] How habits work: 4 Phases of The Habit Loop.

[11:15] How to break bad habits and create new healthy habits.

[17:49] What healthy, rewarding choices can you replace your unhealthy behaviors with?

[19:14] Create a list of healthy, satisfying alternatives! Here are some examples…

[21:50] The power of prayer and scripture in breaking bad habits.


The brain uses cues, cravings, behaviors, and rewards to form habits. Now that you know the formula to break unhealthy habits, tune in next week to learn how to create powerful, healthy habits!


Resources mentioned:

Atomic Habits by James Clear: https://amzn.to/3Dak3Uf

Episode 008: Identity in Christ: 63 I AM Affirmations

Scripture DOWNLOAD: iam.healthyfreelife.com


Your Turn

Click “Add a Comment” and tell me… What bad habit would you love to break?

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  1. Brenda says:

    I loved this podcast
    I will do my homework!!!
    Thanks for sharing your time and knowledge

  2. Karen says:

    Mindless eating is the bad habit I wish to change. Making an alternative activity list will be helpful.

    • Katrina Sequenzia says:

      Mindless eating will require extra awareness. Knowing when you normally eat mindlessly can help so that you can be on guard with your plan. Cheering for you!

  3. Teresa Taylor says:


  4. Rosemarie says:

    My bad habits
    House keeping

    Always off and on at 72 is there hope

    • Katrina Sequenzia says:

      Rosemarie… all of those have been bad habits of mine. Truth be told, budgeting and housekeeping are not well established as healthy habits in my life. I am a work in progress and so are you. I never stop striving and growing. There IS hope no matter our age! Just dive into one of those habits… I’d recommend food as it has the power to heal or harm. Every bite you take matters. I hope you got a chance to listen to the next episode on How to Create Healthy Habits That Last >> https://healthyfreelife.com/podcast/023-create-healthy-habits/

  5. […] Episode 022: How to (finally!) Break Bad Habits […]

  6. […] Helpful Healthy Free Life Show Episode: #022 How to Break (finally!) Break Bad Habits […]

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