Spirit Health

#008: Identity in Christ: 63 I Am Affirmations

May 19, 2021

Our identities in Christ are reality. Who you are in Christ is the truth of who you are! You’ll hear “I am…” statements in four categories. Listen today. Listen tomorrow. Listen until you can’t forget! You’ll hear it’s because of who Christ is and what he did on the cross for you, that you are […]

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Identity in Christ

Our identities in Christ are reality. Who you are in Christ is the truth of who you are! You’ll hear “I am…” statements in four categories. Listen today. Listen tomorrow. Listen until you can’t forget!

You’ll hear it’s because of who Christ is and what he did on the cross for you, that you are enough. You are enough because Christ is enough. And when we believe in him, we are given the gift of his identity. I explain why we don’t allow the lies the enemy says to replay in our mind over and over again.

Listen to podcast here (or read down below)



In this episode, you’ll hear the truth of who you are in Christ as told to you through Scripture.

You’ll learn…

00:40 We as believers must reclaim the truth of our identity in Christ.

01:10 When you know and embrace who we are in Christ, you can then become the person that God made you to be.

01:53 When we believe the lies of the enemy, we operate and behave in ways so that we self-fulfill the prophecy and continuously are never enough.

04:29 Truths for when you forget who you are, whose you are, and what you’ve been given.

06:05 Truths for when you are feeling lonely, unloved, or insecure.

07:27 Truths for when you are faced with temptation.

08:42 Truths for when you are feeling guilt and condemnation.

Are you ready to put God at the center of your health journey and to finally achieve your health and wellness goals? Join me every Thursday to learn how!

Links mentioned in this episode:

Get your FREE printable “I Am…” statements HERE


“The enemy is after your heart, your soul and your mind. He distorts the truth and tells you lies, lies that we accept as truth such as, “I’m not enough. I can’t do it. I am not worthy. I am unloved. I am so ashamed. I am a failure.” These lies are then on repeat in our head and we’ve listened to them for so long that we believe them and accept them as truth. If we believe the lie that we are not enough, we are then going to operate and behave in ways so that we self-fulfill that prophecy and continuously are never enough.” – Katrina



We must reclaim the truth of our identity in Christ.

Are we going to believe the lies of the enemy or the truth as stated by God?

In my blogpost, “3 Reasons We Fail to Reach Our Goals (and How to Fix It!)”, I talk about how vitally important it is to make sure that our identity lines up with our goals for our life and our health in order to help us to actually achieve our goals.

But then the next question comes and it’s…


“What is my identity?”

Our identities should not be based upon what we or people around us say we are, but who God says that we are.
When you know and embrace who you are in Christ, you can then become the person that God made you to be.

Listen, there is a war raging in the heavenlies.
The enemy is after your heart, your soul, and your mind. He distorts the truth and tells you lies, lies that we accept as truth such as,

  • “I’m not enough.”
  • “I can’t do it.”
  • “I am not worthy.”
  • “I am unloved.”
  • “I am so ashamed”.
  • “I am a failure.”

These lies are then on repeat in our minds and we’ve listened to them for so long that we believe them and accept them as truth.

If we believe the lie that we are not enough, we are then going to operate and behave in ways so that we self-fulfill that prophecy and continuously are never enough.


The reality is you are not enough.

This is why we needed a savior.


It’s because of who Christ is and what he did on the cross for you, that you are enough.
You are enough because Christ is enough. And when we believe in him, we are given the gift of his identity.


Our identity in Christ is a gift.

Listen, if you continue to believe the lies, you will never experience the abundant life that Christ has freely given you.

So have you replaced those lies that are in your head with the truth of who you are, according to what the Bible says? You have the power to conquer these lies by knowing who you are in Christ and claiming it.

When you realize the power of your true identity, you can shed the burdens of your past. You can stand against the evil schemes and become the person that Christ empowers you to be. You must reclaim the truth of your identity in Christ.


Reclaim the truth of your identity.

It is time to live in your true identity. We’re going to start that here!

I have a total of 63 “I am” statements that I’m sharing with you. These statements are from scripture. These “I am” statements are broken into four different categories.

If you would love a copy of these “I am” statements along with their scripture references, you can find the link to request the list HERE.

Read these statements and consider coming back here daily or as often as you need to do this exercise until these statements sink deep into your mind and your soul, and until you truly believe them. Let’s begin.


When you forget who you are, whose you are, and what you’ve been given, remember, because of Christ:


I am a child of God.
I am a temple in which God dwells.
I am the light of the world.
I am the salt of the earth.
I am a princess in God’s kingdom.
I am his heir.
I am a joint heir with Christ, sharing his inheritance with him.
I am a Saint. I am able to approach God with boldness freedom and confidence.
I am a recipient of great and precious promises of God.
I am bought with a price and I belong to God.
I am blessed.
I am provided for.
I am a citizen of heaven.
I am confident that God will complete the good work he started in me.
I am seated with Christ Jesus in the heavenly realm.
I am sent with a purpose.


When you are feeling lonely, unloved, or insecure, remember, because of Christ:


I am chosen by God.
I am known.
I am not alone.
I am enough.
I am valuable.
I am wanted.
I am an adopted child of God.
I am tenderly loved by God.
I am securely attached to the love of Christ.
I am Christ’s friend.
I am hidden with Christ in God.
I am God’s workmanship.
I am a masterpiece created by an artistic God.
I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
I am created in the image of God.
I am beautiful.
I am radiant.
I am treasured.


When you are faced with temptation, remember, because of Christ:


I am born of God and the evil one cannot touch me.
I am given the mind of Christ.
I am led by God.
I am filled by God.
I am rescued from Satan’s domain and transferred into the kingdom of Christ.
I am helped by God.
I am given a way out of temptation so that I can endure it.
I am able to do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
I am given a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline.
I am strong and courageous.
I am rescued.
I am empowered.
I am satisfied in Christ.


When you are feeling guilt and condemnation, remember, because of Christ:


I am completely forgiven.
I am saved.
I am redeemed.
I am justified.
I am reconciled to God.
I am not condemned by God.
I have peace with God.
I am righteous through Christ.
I am blameless and beyond reproach.
I am sanctified.
I am free from the condemning charges against me.
I am holy.
I am clean.
I am free.
I am covered in his grace.


It is time to stand on the truth of who you are, dear one. Come back tomorrow and read again, lest you forget.


I will leave you with this reminder from Galatians 2:20,


“You have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer you who live, but Christ who lives in you and the life you now live in the flesh, you live by faith in the Son of God who loves you and gave himself for you.”


Until next time. Bye for now.

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  1. […] Episode 008: Identity in Christ: 63 I AM Affirmations […]

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