Spirit Health

#035: Renew Your Mind with Guest Barb Raveling

December 1, 2021

To renew your mind is no easy task. God tells us in Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”  If we are not careful, […]

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Renew Your Mind

To renew your mind is no easy task. God tells us in Romans 12:2 “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” 

If we are not careful, the “patterns of the world” will have us believing lies in no time.

Lies of… I’m not enough. I can’t do it. This cookie will help me feel better. One bite won’t hurt. I’ll start tomorrow.

These lies keep us in a vicious cycle of defeat. Right where the enemy wants us.

We MUST break free.

When it comes to freeing ourselves from the lies we continue to believe, there’s only one way out… We must renew our minds by God’s strength through the power of His Word.


But how exactly do you renew your mind?

Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life Show as I welcome Christian author, Barb Raveling, to talk about how to renew the mind so you can achieve a healthy free life.

You’ll learn:

  • what it means to renew your through God’s Word
  • why it’s so vitally important for Christians to practice this
  • and how to renew your mind on a practical, daily basis.


Renew Your Mind with Guest Barb Raveling

Barb is one of the few Christian authors writing about the mental and spiritual battle that women face as they seek to get healthy or lose weight. She struggled for years to lose weight and overcome emotional eating, but it wasn’t until she used the power of God’s Word to renew her mind, body, and soul. Finally, she experienced freedom for the first time.


“We need to renew our mind, change our thoughts, so we don’t have those thoughts driving us to do the things that we will later regret.” – Barb Raveling


Barb’s books are so powerful that I recommend them to my clients and they often use her teachings in combination with the Healthy Free Life Way to achieve even greater results!


Listen to the podcast here…

In this episode about how to Renew Your Mind, you’ll learn…

[00:31] About Barb Raveling and her work.

[03:17] One of the biggest obstacles people face on the healthy free life journey.

[04:24] What does it mean to renew the mind?

[06:53] Why is it important for Christians to renew their minds?

[08:32] My experience reading The Renewing of the Mind Project.

[09:53] How to renew the mind: Start a project, practice self-discipline, and what to do when you fail.

[14:33] How Barb created this mind renewal habit in her life. & How she stays motivated.

[17:38] Debunking the top lies that people struggle with on their health journeys.

[33:30] How to connect with Barb and access her resources.


Resources mentioned:

Book: Renewing of the Mind Project, by Barb Raveling

Listen to the Christian Habits Podcast: www.barbraveling.com/christian-podcast

Listen to the Taste for Truth Christian Weight Loss Podcast: www.barbraveling.com/christian-weight-loss-podcast

Helpful Healthy Free Life Show Episode: #022 How to Break (finally!) Break Bad Habits


Connect with Barb Raveling:

Barb RavelingBarb Raveling is the author of six books, including Freedom from Emotional Eating, Freedom from Procrastination, and I Deserve a Donut (And Other Lies That Make You Eat). She is also the host of the Christian Habits Podcast and the Taste for Truth Podcast where she helps listeners break free from their strongholds, renew their minds, and grow closer to God.

Visit Barb’s website: www.barbraveling.com


Buy The Renewing of the Mind Project: https://amzn.to/3d9AeoQ

Check out Barb’s other books: https://amzn.to/3xFQ04v



Your Turn

Click “Add a Comment” and tell me… What lie to you need to break free from?

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  1. Karen Mulder says:

    Just what I needed to hear. Thank you.

  2. Sugar helps me calm down, and it will get rid of this stress. it’s calming, because I have a lot of stress lately I need a sweet.

    • Katrina Sequenzia says:

      Isn’t it amazing that sugar has the power to lie to us like that? In the moment, yes… we get a sense of relief, thanks to dopamine. But it is fleeting and leaves us lethargic, hangry, and defeated. And the stress is still there. Now that you know the lie, it’s time to put on the Truth! Thank you for sharing, Janice!

  3. Celina says:

    Thank you for your journey and testimony of faith and courage. I’m inspired to start transformation

    • Katrina Sequenzia says:

      Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Celina! I’m so delighted to know you are inspired. It makes it all worth it.

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