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Have you ever gotten on the diet rollercoaster and felt like you couldn’t get off?
Have you ever tried a diet it didn’t work, and so you tried a different one that also doesn’t work?
Or if a diet did “work,” the results didn’t last?
Dieting and the Metabolism
For those of you who have been dieters for years or decades, it’s exhausting, right? Join us in this episode of Healthy Free Life as Chris and I talk about what’s happening to your body physically, mentally, and hormonally when you diet. We also break down why it’s not healthy or sustainable to eat less and exercise more (or eat more, exercise less for that matter).
We discuss:
- the damaging effects of dieting
- how it affects the metabolism
- the three metabolic states that can help you healthily and sustainably gain, lose, or maintain your weight.
Then, Chris explores the potential usages and benefits of the weight maintenance phase… and they might surprise you!
If you’re feeling empowered to heal your metabolism, reach your weight goals, or even just learn more about your metabolism, join the waitlist for our Metabolic Reboot Program at!
In this episode about Dieting and the Metabolism, you’ll learn…
[03:33] How we view the metabolism.
[05:50] How diets impact stress, the metabolism, and hormones.
[08:32] Why people binge at night or on the weekends.
[10:36] If you beat yourself up over lack of discipline or self-control, it’s not your fault…
[11:25] Why eating less and exercising more isn’t a sustainable weight loss method.
[13:28] 3 Metabolic States we teach in the Metabolic Reboot: ELEL, EMEM, and ESES.
[24:46] Dieting and metabolism summarized.
Resources mentioned:
Join the Metabolic Reboot waitlist:
Episode #042: Metabolism: What Is It and How It Works
Are you ready to put God at the center of your health journey and to finally achieve your health and wellness goals? Join me every Wednesday to learn how!
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Your Turn
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[…] #046: Dieting and the Metabolism (+ the Right Way to Lose Weight) […]
Wow! Such a wealth of information! Thank ya’ll for sharing. I am at a loss where my metabolism is at! Yes, I need this reboot class in my life if it’s affordable. Please put me on your list! Thank you again and God bless ya’ll! ❤️