Spirit Health

#058: Overcoming Your Fear of Failing at Weight Loss

April 5, 2023

Listen to the podcast here…   Other places to listen: iTunes  |  Spotify  |  Google Podcast |  Amazon Music Overcoming your fear of failing is a big deal…. Is fear holding you back from living a healthy free life? Does your fear of failure keep you stuck in an unhealthy lifestyle, unable to lose weight […]

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I'm Katrina!

I’m on a mission to help Christians get healthy, ditch disease, lose weight and find food freedom so you can live that abundant life you’ve been promised.


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Overcoming Your Fear of Failing

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Overcoming your fear of failing is a big deal….

Is fear holding you back from living a healthy free life?

Does your fear of failure keep you stuck in an unhealthy lifestyle, unable to lose weight or change your habits?


If so, you’re not alone. I know how it feels to be afraid of failing or making mistakes, but here’s the thing… fear doesn’t move you forward.


Understanding Your Fear of Failing


At its core, the fear of failure is an intense feeling of anxiety or apprehension about not meeting our expectations or the expectations of others.


This fear can manifest in a variety of ways, such as

  • fear of making mistakes,
  • fear of disappointing others,
  • or fear of not being good enough.

When it comes to health and wellness, and weight loss especially the fear of failure may manifest

  • as a fear of not being able to stick to a new diet or exercise routine,
  • or a fear of not seeing the desired results,
  • or worse — fear of succeeding then failing.


Overcoming Your Fear of Failing

Do any of those symptoms resonate with you?

If so, I will help you overcome. First, we remember to invite God into your Healthy Free Life journey because it’s our faith in God that helps us overcome our fear of failure, embrace a growth mindset, and reach our health goals.

We will learn how to:

  • Recognize the lies that fuel your fear.
  • Develop a growth mindset.
  • Learn from failures and mistakes.
  • Use strategies for overcoming this fear and take action toward your health goals.


Taking Action Despite Fear

As Christian women, we know that we are called to take care of our bodies and honor God with our health, and we cannot let fear hold us back from doing so.


Even in the face of fear, we can…

  • Set realistic goals
  • Create a plan of action
  • Celebrate small successes along the way

The reality is there are no failures, only ineffective solutions.


The Role of Faith in Overcoming Fear

“There is a 1 in 6 chance that you are going to die from a preventable cardiac condition – from heart disease. That is what you should fear… You’ve got to get healthy, there is no other option here.”


Take heart, dear one. Because when you take a body-mind-spirit approach, as we do here at Healthy Free Life, PLUS you couple it with developing healthy habits the right way and heal your body from the inside out… you will succeed. This is the strategy you’ve been missing all your life!


You are not alone. Together, we can…

  • Trust in God’s plan and purpose for our lives.
  • Pray for strength and guidance.
  • Find encouragement in scripture.


In this episode of overcoming your fear of failure at weight loss, you’ll learn…

[04:39] What is fear of failure?

[07:25] Signs & Symptoms: How to know the fear of failure is keeping you stuck.

[10:13] Tips and strategies for overcoming your fear of failure.


Resources mentioned:

Download our free Metabolic Jumpstart Guide and join the Metabolic Reboot waitlist: https://healthyfreelife.com/reboot

Get Your Exclusive Academy Invite: https://healthyfreelife.com/academy

Listen to episode 56: Marylee’s Story: How she ditched dieting and disease (+ lost 30 pounds)



Are you ready to put God at the center of your health journey and to finally achieve your health and wellness goals? Join me every Wednesday to learn how!

Be sure to Subscribe/Follow the Healthy Free Life Show, so you get notified as soon as a new episode is released!

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Oh! And if you listen on iTunes… leave a review and share what you love about the show! It always blesses my heart to hear from listeners! ❤️


Your Turn

Click “Add a Comment” and tell me… what step can you take towards overcoming your fear of failing at weight loss?

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