Mind Health

#052: Perfection Not Required: Embracing the 80/20 Rule

February 22, 2023

Listen to the podcast here…   Other places to listen: iTunes  |  Spotify  |  Google Podcast |  Amazon Music   I have some really good news for you: perfection is not required! Do you struggle like so many of us with a perfectionist or an “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to dieting?   […]

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I'm Katrina!

I’m on a mission to help Christians get healthy, ditch disease, lose weight and find food freedom so you can live that abundant life you’ve been promised.


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Ready for simple eating the way God designed?
Without diets, deprivation, or defeat?

Perfection Not Required

Listen to the podcast here…


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I have some really good news for you: perfection is not required!

Do you struggle like so many of us with a perfectionist or an “all or nothing” mindset when it comes to dieting?


Perfection Not Required

The 80/20 rule can help you achieve your health and wellness goals without being perfect.

A perfectionist mindset keeps you stuck and unhealthy.


I’m sure we’ve all been there at some point… setting unrealistic goals, following a strict diet, or pushing ourselves too hard, only to fall short or give up completely.

Sound familiar? That’s where the 80/20 rule comes in to save the day.


The 80/20 Rule

The 80/20 rule can help you embrace a more flexible and balanced approach to health and wellness.


There’s no need to strive for perfection on your health journey.

There’s no need to have an “all or nothing” mindset.


Together, let’s recognize that every healthy action we engage in is an opportunity to bring glory to God.

You are only one healthy action away from getting back on track with your health goals.

To get started on your Healthy Free Life, download the Healthy Free Life Starter Kit at kit.healthyfreelife.com!


In this episode, you’ll learn…

[02:56] The dangers of perfectionism in dieting, exercise, etc.

[06:09] What is the 80/20 rule?

[07:07] The benefits of using the 80/20 rule.

[08:56] How to apply the 80/20 rule to your diet + Examples of how I use the 80/20 rule in my daily life.

[25:48] The #1 key to successfully implementing the 80/20 rule.

[30:31] For the “all or nothing” ladies, 80% might not be the right goal for you! Here’s your solution…

[34:35] How to get started: Download the Healthy Free Life Starter Kit!


Resources mentioned:

Download the Healthy Free Life Starter Kit here: kit.healthyfreelife.com

Listen to Episode #023: How to Create Healthy Habits That Last

Listen to Episode #050: Deb’s Story: At 70, Proves It’s Never Too Late



Are you ready to put God at the center of your health journey and to finally achieve your health and wellness goals? Join me every Wednesday to learn how!

Be sure to Subscribe/Follow the Healthy Free Life Show, so you get notified as soon as a new episode is released!

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Oh! And if you listen on iTunes… leave a review and share what you love about the show! It always blesses my heart to hear from listeners! ❤️


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Click “Add a Comment” and tell me… Is a perfectionist mindset hijacking your success?

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Simple Eating the Way God Designed. Without Dieting, Deprivation, or Defeat.