Mind Health

#009: What is Your Why

May 26, 2021

What is your why? I’m going to help you dive deeper into your “Why?” You’ll hear how to go three or four levels deeper into your heart starting with a simple goal so you can truly know your “Why.” We must know our “Why” so we can overcome challenges and live for God, ourselves, and […]

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I'm Katrina!

I’m on a mission to help Christians get healthy, ditch disease, lose weight and find food freedom so you can live that abundant life you’ve been promised.


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What is Your Why

What is your why? I’m going to help you dive deeper into your “Why?” You’ll hear how to go three or four levels deeper into your heart starting with a simple goal so you can truly know your “Why.”

We must know our “Why” so we can overcome challenges and live for God, ourselves, and others.


Listen to podcast here (or read down below)


In this episode, you’ll hear that sometimes we get things backwards and how we should see our lives and health instead.

In this episode, you’ll learn…

00:34 The power of knowing your why.

1:00 Why getting healthy even matters to you.

2:28 Why you have to have a bigger why than, “I want to lose weight.”

2:35 How to go deeper into your “Why.”

4:48 What we all REALLY want.

6:53 How we can’t just get healthy for us, but also for God.

7:43 How we have gotten things a little backwards.

9:16 How we can’t be God’s light if we are covered with baskets.

Are you ready to put God at the center of your health journey and to finally achieve your health and wellness goals? Join me every Thursday to learn how!

Links mentioned in this episode:

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“This is why getting healthy matters. It’s not about the weight. It is not about the energy. It’s about what a slim, healthy body and more energy and disease-free- it’s about what all of these things give us, allow us to do in our life. Just imagine, what would life look like and be like, when you are healthy and free? Have you thought about that?” – Katrina


Do you know what your “Why” is?

Why do you want to be healthy?

Why do you want to lose weight?


I am here to help you discover your “Why” because there is so much power in knowing it. Most people don’t realize the journey to a healthy free life is not all rainbows and butterflies.

It’s full of:

  • ups and downs
  • stumbling
  • two steps forward and one step back

So when the going gets tough, you are going to need a deep-rooted “Why” that will give you a reason to get back up and make the best choices that line up with your goals.


So let’s dive into your “Why.”

I’m going to assume that you desire to get healthy. And I’m sure that you think you know why you’re trying to do that. But we gotta dive a little bit deeper.


Why does getting healthy even matter?

Your goals might be:

  • to lose weight,
  • maybe you want to ditch disease,
  • prevent disease,
  • or gain energy.

But why, why does this even matter?

Listen, getting healthy is going to help with all of those things. But unless you have a bigger why than, “I want to lose weight,” you’re not going to get there.


So we need a bigger, deeper “Why.”

Why is it important that you lose weight, ditch disease, prevent disease, or gain energy?

Why is any of that important to you?

I’m usually met with something like,

  1. “Well, I just want to fit into my clothes,”
  2. or “I just feel yucky and I don’t want to anymore,”
  3. or “I just want to look better or feel better.”

Okay, great! Those are good things, but…


Why is that important to you?

Maybe your next answer is:

“I just want to look beautiful again.”

“I want to be attractive to my spouse.”

“Energy to do the things that I love to do is what I want.”


Hah! Okay. Now we’re getting somewhere, right?
Guess what? I’m going for another “Why” here.


Why is having more energy or feeling beautiful important to you?

It’s usually at this point in the conversation where we get to the true root of why we’re even trying to do something.
When we get down to the root, what we really want is not less pounds on the scale.


What we really want is more joy and more peace.


These are the things we are lacking.

As we look at our physical health and our outward appearance, we see this physical shell is burdening us.
Because we are under the weight of the burden of our physical health, our emotional and mental health are affected as well, and we are unable to experience true health and peace.


This is why getting healthy matters.

It’s not about

  • the weight
  • or the energy


It’s about what a slim, healthy body and more energy and freedom from disease allow us to do in our life.


Just imagine, what life would look like and be like when you are healthy and free! Have you thought about that?
Have you actually sat down and pictured your future self who is healthy and free?

  • What is that person able to do?
  • How does that person look?
  • How do they feel?
  • What are you going to be able to go and do and be?
  • Are you gonna be able to run with your children or your grandchildren?
  • What about hike with your spouse?
  • Are you going to be able to travel and finally go on that mission trip that you’ve been not going on because of your physical health?


I want you to think big.

How will a healthy, free life affect your happiness, your personal growth, your relationships, your work, everything that you do?


Know your why for you.

But listen, we can’t just get healthy for ourselves. We also need to get healthy for God.

This health journey is about God.
This life is about God.


In Deuteronomy 6:5, our mission is clear. The word says,

“Love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”


And in first Corinthians 10:31, Paul writes.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”


Your true why is rooted in God.

Eating and living healthy, according to his will and plan shows our love for him.

It brings him glory and we can honor him in the process of getting healthy.

So you’re going to get healthy for you. You’re going to get healthy for God and we’re going to get healthy for others.


I think we’ve been a little bit backward here.


For some of you, all you do is care for others and serve others, yet not yourself. You must realize that taking care of you is not selfish. It is self-love and it is scriptural to do so.
Jesus adds to the Deuteronomy commandment to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all of your mind and with all your strength.”

In mark 12:30-31, he adds,

“The second is this, love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these.”


But listen, the commandment is not, “Love others. Not yourself.”

I believe for us to truly be able to love our neighbors and fulfill our calling, we need to love ourselves and have a healthy body in order to do so.

We must fill our vessel first so that we can pour out from a place of abundance instead of a place of lack.


Our body is the primary resource for our spiritual life.

We’ve got work to do, dear ones, and we need healthy hands and feet in order to do it.

We must have a healthy body in order to go and do and be all that God created us to be.

Do you know what he’s called you and me to be? Light!
In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus calls us to be salt and light.
He declares that we are the light of the world and gives the illustration that no one lights a lamp and puts it under a basket, but rather on a lampstand and gives light for all those who are in the house.
But I can’t help but wonder if many of us live with baskets over our light.

  • Baskets of fear,
  • baskets of anxiety,
  • pain,
  • past abuse,
  • disease,
  • excess weight,
  • cravings,
  • addictions.

The list goes on- baskets that are holding us back from letting our light shine before others so that they may see our good works and give glory to our father in heaven.


Dear one, these baskets must be removed, for our own sake, for God’s glory, and for others to experience his light.


Your why is bigger than losing weight or getting healthy.

There are consequences to not removing our baskets.

We must continue on the journey and I want you to have a deep-rooted “Why” on your way to a healthy free life.


Help to discover “What is your why?”

If you would love help discovering your “Why,” I have a full exercise in the Healthy Free Life Way starter kit. This free starter kit includes not only the “Why” exercise, but also prayers and devotions, food listings, and more to help you get started or keep going on your Healthy Free Life Way journey.

You can download the starter kit by clicking HERE.

Do not blow this off. It is vitally important that you have a big enough “Why” to help you on your journey to a healthy free life. You gotta do the thing.

Now I’m going to leave you with this blessing from 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17,


“May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your heart and strengthen you in every good deed and word.”


Until next time. Bye for now.

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