Weight Loss

#014: Drink Water for Weight Loss: Could It Be This Simple?

June 30, 2021

Do you realize to drink water for weight loss is one of the easiest and most important actions towards health and weight loss? And guess what… you can easily do it today. It is incredibly important and often simply overlooked because most people focus on what they are eating, or maybe exercise. But this is […]

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I'm Katrina!

I’m on a mission to help Christians get healthy, ditch disease, lose weight and find food freedom so you can live that abundant life you’ve been promised.


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Ready for simple eating the way God designed?
Without diets, deprivation, or defeat?

drink water for weight loss

Do you realize to drink water for weight loss is one of the easiest and most important actions towards health and weight loss? And guess what… you can easily do it today. It is incredibly important and often simply overlooked because most people focus on what they are eating, or maybe exercise. But this is incomplete. We must take a full body-mind-spirit approach to health so that we can actually achieve the results we are after – like ditching disease, losing weight, conquering cravings and getting healthy so that we can live abundantly. We must incorporate all 7 healthy habits into our daily life in order to achieve and maintain a healthy life.

In this episode you will learn the why, how much, and where to start of drinking pure water.

Listen to podcast here (or read down below)



In this episode, you’ll hear…

01:39 One of the easiest healthy habits- drink pure water.

02:37 Why you should drink water.

03:28 Amazing benefits of drinking pure water.

05:13 How much water you should drink.

06:01 About determining your unique hydration point.

07:14 How to baby-step your way there.

08:38 Your first water drinking goal.

10:37 Why morning water?

Although drinking water doesn’t sound like the sexiest body habit, if you aren’t drinking adequate amounts of water, nothing else you do will lead to the health benefits you are after!


Links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 001: What Makes Healthy Free Life Different?

40 Day Food Revival


“What’s sad is that 75% of Americans are walking around dehydrated and don’t even know it. And as a result, this is contributing to a significantly poor state of health. But guess what, when you drink adequate water, let me just share some of the incredible benefits, which I bet you didn’t even know about. First, it prevents premature aging. Can we just stop right there? I don’t think I need to go on any further. Let me say it again. Drinking adequate amounts of water prevents premature aging. So would you like to look young? Would you like to have less wrinkles? Would you love radiant skin? Well, we don’t need magic potions. Maybe we just need to drink some water.”


Drink Water for Weight Loss

You’re about to learn one of the simplest actions that you can take to lose weight and become healthier.

Guess what? You can easily do it.

I’m going to be talking about one of the very first healthy habits I have all of my students start with on the Healthy Free Life Way Journey. In fact, it’s one of the very first lessons in my 40 Day Food Revival.

Everyone always wants to get to all the fun food stuff, but if we miss out on this very important healthy habit, it will be incomplete. It’s incredibly important because most people only focus on what they’re eating or maybe exercise. As I talked about in episode one of the podcast, it is not just about diet and exercise.

We must take a full body, mind, spirit approach to health so that we can actually achieve the results we’re after, like…

  • ditching disease
  • losing weight
  • conquering cravings
  • and getting healthy

… so that we can live abundantly.


We must incorporate all seven healthy habits into our daily life in order to achieve and maintain a healthy free life.


Simplest Healthy Habit: Drink Water

I know it’s so simple and maybe a little basic like, “Really Katrina, water? That’s what you’re teaching me to do?”

Well, just hang with me for just a minute. We will get to all the other fun stuff that I know you want me to talk about I promise, but none of that will matter if you’re not drinking water.

Drinking adequate water is seriously a core foundational habit that we must establish.

Remember that body, mind, spirit framework we talked about in post one?


Of all the healthy habits, water is the most important and vital to our body health.


So in this post, I’m going to outline why you should be drinking water, how much you should be drinking, because honestly it’s different for each of us. And lastly, I will be giving you some tips to make water drinking a daily habit in your life.


Why drink water for health?

Well, water is the second most important thing that your body needs in order to survive, oxygen being the first. The body, which has 75% water, uses about 10 to 12 cups of water a day during normal bodily functions, such as breathing, digestion, elimination, sweating, and removing toxins, to name a few.

Just about every function of your body requires the components found in water.


We must replenish water in our bodies daily, or it’s going to become dehydrated and it will not function.

What’s sad is that 75% of Americans are walking around dehydrated and don’t even know it.

And as a result, this is contributing to a significantly poor state of health.

But guess what, when you drink adequate water, there are incredible benefits, which I bet you didn’t even know about.


Drinking water prevents premature aging.

Can we just stop right there?? I don’t think I need to go on any further! Let me say it again. Drinking adequate amounts of water prevents premature aging.

  • So would you like to look young?
  • Have less wrinkles?
  • Would you love radiant skin?

Well, we don’t need magic potions. Maybe we just need to drink some water.


Other benefits of drinking water!

  • It reduces heartburn
  • eases constipation
  • supports a healthy blood pressure
  • decreases joint and muscle discomfort
  • fights fatigue
  • eliminates brain fog
  • helps to eliminate or reduce food cravings

Even cravings for sweet foods might actually be a signal of dehydration that we have missed! Oftentimes we mistake thirst for hunger! We think we want food when really the message our brain is trying to send us is, “I’m thirsty.”

And so we eat carbohydrates and it really never satisfies.


Drinking water increases fat metabolism.

A secret tip to fat loss is to drink adequate amounts of water.
I mean, how cool is that? If you want to metabolize some extra fat, drink water.
Have I convinced you yet that drinking water is so vitally important to our health?

I hope so.

So now that you know the why, let’s talk about how much water we should be drinking.


How Much Water To Drink?

What is our ultimate goal?

Well, many people are confused about how much water they should be drinking. They’re always told to drink more, but what is the correct quantity of water for your body? Some experts will recommend eight ounces, eight times a day. Is that enough? Some will recommend half your body weight in fluid ounces.

Is that enough or is that too much?

Here’s the answer: the answer of how much water to drink is unique to you.


Great. That was helpful, right?

You thought I was going to give you some magical number that you are supposed to hit, but your unique hydration point is going to depend on your size, your physical activity, the climate in which you live, and so much more.


Your job is to be an investigator and to find your unique hydration. Finding your unique hydration amount is key.


What I found after working with thousands and thousands of students is that your unique hydration point will most likely be somewhere between 64 ounces and 128 ounces per day.

Most find a sweet spot somewhere between 80 -100 ounces.

How do you know when you’ve reached your hydration point?

You’ll know that you’re getting enough water in your day if your urine is a clear pale yellow color, like lemonade. If your urine is the color of apple juice, then it’s too concentrated and it’s time to drink more water.

Note: if your physician has given you a specific amount to drink, please follow your physician’s orders!


How to Get to Our Ultimate Water Goal?

I’ve given you the ultimate goal, but we can’t just go out today and start drinking a hundred ounces of water if we’re not used to drinking water.

It’s all about baby-stepping your way there.


Baby steps are the key to our success in any habit we are trying to establish in our life.

In fact, taking baby steps is a key philosophy to the Healthy Free Life Way.

If you rarely drink water or maybe just a glass or two a day, or maybe you hydrate with other not so helpful fluids like coffee, soda, juice, et cetera, you might be thinking, “Katrina, I don’t drink any water. How am I supposed to get 64 -100 ounces of water per day?”

Well, listen, don’t worry.

I got you! Honestly, it’s actually BEST to baby-step your way to your full water needs.

This will allow both you and your body to adjust to the increased hydration level over time. So please don’t miss what I just said here.

We must baby step our way to our full hydration needs!


If you go from 0 to drinking 64 – 100 ounces of water in a day, you’re going to be in the bathroom all day long. You may be in the bathroom all night long, and you’re not going to feel as great because your body has not adjusted to that amount.

So we need to baby step our way there.

I’m going to take the goal of drink your unique hydration amount daily and break it down into baby steps.


Drink Water for Weight Loss: Baby Steps

First- drink 8 to 16 ounces of water upon waking.

How you start your day really does matter.

Just think about it. Your body has been fasting all night long and you wake up and you’re dehydrated, but your body has been busy all night long detoxifying, getting rid of the toxins throughout your body, and dumping them into your bloodstream in hopes that they will be removed later as waste.

Well, when you drink water first thing in the morning, it helps to flush out these toxins and helps your body function as it should.

Think of your morning water like an internal bath!

You are unique. If the water first thing in the morning makes you nauseous or not feel good, listen to your body.

You are more than welcome to wait until a little later in the morning or after breakfast. That is okay. But if you are fine, then I definitely want you to get into the habit of that morning, first-thing water.


Second- pick a starting goal.

I would like for you to select a water goal that is 8- 16 ounces of water more than what you are currently drinking.

So that’s doable, right?

I want you to select a goal that is 8-16 ounces more than what you are currently doing.


Then make sure you’re drinking a minimum of 32 ounces of water.

Eventually, you do want to get to your unique hydration, so you’ll increase your water intake in small increments until you reach your ideal hydration level.

It can take time for this to become a habit. Habit formation is key to our success.

Remember water drinking is one of the seven healthy habits we must establish in our life. For some, this can take time, especially if you don’t like water, which is why in the 40 Day Food Revival, I actually provide solutions to make water fun and practical, and most importantly, help you to make water a habit that lasts a lifetime.


Drink Water Now 🙂

So now that we’ve talked about why water is so important and how much water you should be drinking. Now it’s time to go do the thing.

You can start right now. Seriously, go drink a glass of water. Yes. Like right now. I’ll be here. And then every morning from here on out, I want you to drink eight to 16 ounces of water.

And start working to find your unique hydration amount daily, and remember to go slow.

Take those baby steps. And then the next thing you know:

  • Your skin’s going to start glowing.
  • You’ll have more energy.
  • You’ve lost some weight and you feel so much better because you simply drank some water.

I mean, how simple is that?


And now I will leave you with this from John 4:13-14. When Jesus was talking to the Samaritan woman at the well, he said,

“Everyone who drinks from this water will get thirsty again. But whoever drinks from the water that I will give him will never get thirsty. In fact, the water I will give him will become a well of water springing up in him for eternal life.”


So as you drink your water today and every day, remember the living water within you.

Until next time. Bye for now.

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  1. […] Episode 014: Drink Water for Weight Loss: Could it be This Simple? […]

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